Root Repository Contents


Ensure workbenches contain the same core elements.

The following page describes the directories and files included in the root of the repository.

$ tree -a --sort=name -L 1 -F --dirsfirst ↵
├── docs/
├── freecad/<package name>/
├── <package name>/
├── tests/
├── environment.yml
├── .gitignore
├── .readthedocs.yml


Every workbench should have a README file, named, containing basic information about the project.

License File

Each workbench should include a software license in a file named LICENSE.

We recommend the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1, as it’s same license as FreeCAD to ensure workbenches could potentially be incorporated into future FreeCAD modules or FreeCAD source itself.

Contributing Guidlines

OSE workbenches should include contributing guidelines describing how people can contribute to the project inside a file named

Library & Workbench Package

Workbenches should organize source code into two main packages:

  1. A library package

  2. and a workbench package

The library package should be named ose<machine>, where <machine> is the name of the machine in all lower-case letters without spaces, hypens, or underscores.

The workbench package should be named the same as the library package, but located inside a directory named freecad/.

For example, the library package of the ose-power-cube-workbench should be named osepowercube.

├── osepowercube/          # Library Package
└── freecad/osepowercube/  # Workbench Package

This naming convention follows PEP 8’s guidance on package naming:

Python packages should … have short, all-lowercase names, … the use of underscores is discouraged.


For additional information, see App Gui Architecture.


Documentation for workbenches should be located in the docs/ directory.

Hosting of documentation should be performed by Read the Docs with configuration located in .readthedocs.yml.


Tests for workbenches should be located in the test/ directory.

Continuous Integration

Workbenches should use Travis CI for Continuous Integration (CI).

Following the Feature Branch Workflow, each feature branch will be tested to ensure it doesn’t break existing code before that branch is merged into the master branch.

Configuration for Travis CI is located within a file named .travis.yml.

Setup Module

Workbenches should include a module for describing how to package and distribute the workbench as a Python package.

The file describes additional files to include in the Python package distribution.

For more information, see Including files in source distributions with


The environment.yml file describes how to create a conda environment for local workbench development.


A .gitignore file should be included to specify any directories and files that shouldn’t be checked into version control.