Deciding on a Machine

OSE Workbenches generally center around one machine in the Global Village Construction Set (GVCS).

Examples of machines in the GVCS include:

The first step in workbench planning is deciding on a machine to focus on.

The goal of an OSE workbench should be to stream-line the design of machine variants.

Amount of Allowed Variation

The balance between how much variation the workbench allows in the design of a machine is a delicate one.

On the one hand, the value of a workbench is it’s strictness in variation based on what OSE has tested and discovered works best in practice.

On the other hand, the value of a workbench is allowing people to deviate from the “standard design” to create a design suited to their unique needs.

Next Step

Once the machine is decided, you must break down the machine into individual parts.